
Monday, 23 February 2015

Laser Eye Surgery Risks - Complications & Tests

  1. Some people have a problem with dry eyes in the months after Laser eye surgery. Artificial tears can help with this. Other patients experience glare or halo effects when driving at night in the weeks or months after treatment. This is more likely if a high degree of long- or short-sightedness is corrected.
    No Laser, No Surgery Quantum Vision System can help you improve your vision naturally.

    • Undercorrections. If the laser removes too little tissue from your eye, you won't get the clearer vision results you were hoping for. Undercorrections are more common for people who are nearsighted.
      You may need another refractive surgery (enhancement surgery) within a year to remove more tissue.
    • Overcorrections. It's also possible that the laser will remove too much tissue from your eye. Overcorrections may be more difficult to fix than undercorrections.
    • Vision returning to pre-surgery vision. Over time, your eyes may slowly return to the level of vision you had before surgery. This may happen due to certain conditions, such as abnormal wound healing, hormonal imbalances or pregnancy.
    • Visual loss or changes. Rarely, you may experience loss of vision due to surgical complications. Some people also may not see as sharply or clearly as previously.
    • Astigmatism. Astigmatism can be caused by uneven tissue removal. It may require additional surgery, glasses or contact lenses.
    • Glare, halos and double vision. After surgery you may have difficulty seeing at night. You might notice glare, halos around bright lights or double vision.


  1. slowly return to the level of vision you had before surgery. This may happen due to certain conditions, such as abnormal wound healing, hormonal imbalances or pregnancy. imbalances

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